Monday, June 15, 2015

Happy Summer

I can officially say I made it through 2 years of teaching! It was 2 years full of excitement, planning, reading, learning, growing, stressing, copying, filing, writing, discovering, loving and so much more. I would love to blog regularly, but I don't know that I can realistically fit it in. I think blogging is a fantastic resource for teachers to share their work, to share resources and ideas, and to show off their fabulous students. 

Speaking of fabulous students, I have the pleasure to teach students with disabilities. I teach in a Neurological Support Classroom for students in 4th-6th grade. I was lucky enough to have the same group of students for two years in a row, but as of June 3 I had to say goodbye to nine of my wonderful students. I am excited for them to move on but I would prefer for them to stay with me a little bit longer! Look how lovely they are--

I am looking forward to the new school year and my new group of students. As of now, it's grad classes, extended school year and planning for next year! Happy Summer!